
Moukhtara is located about 50km south-east of Beirut (“the capital of Lebanon”) and 29 Km from the coastal city of Damour and 6km from Beiteddine, at an altitude of 850 meters from sea level. It is also, at the crossroad of many other villages of the higher Chouf area (Jdeideh “Bekaata”, Boutmeh, Maaser el Chouf, Ain Qani, Mrosti, Jebaa, HaretJandal, Jeblay, Baadaran, Bater, Aamatour, Khreibeh, Niha, Jezzine, etc…). Its strategic location in the higher Chouf area makes it a necessary passage from the Chouf to the Bekaa valley, through Kefraya. In the glory past it was a must passage from Sidon to the Chouf Cedar Mountain.

Moukhtara is a medium size town in the Chouf District of Mount Lebanon Governorate. The town’s inhabitants are split in half between Druze and Christian ethnicities. It is the hometown of Walid Joumblatt, the leader of Lebanon’s Progressive Socialist Party. The Municipality is an elected local authority and is a member of the Federation of Municipalities of the Higher Chouf.

Distance from Beirut (Km) 50

Height (meter): 850/1000

Area (Hectar): 360

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Moukhtara Main Road
Moukhtara Municipality Building.
Chouf Caza
Mount Lebanon Governorate

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